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Biocatalysts and Environmental Sustainability

Writer's picture: Radhika KanjikarRadhika Kanjikar

Enzymes are a type of protein that help change the speed of chemical reactions by acting as a catalyst. Biocatalysts are a type of enzyme that speed up or slow down a biochemical reaction without affecting the reaction otherwise. Biochemical reactions involve processes like photosynthesis, the Krebs cycle, glycolysis, etc.

In this day and age, the environment is deteriorating and there is a need to switch to environmentally friendly options. A large amount of non-biodegradable waste is being made, which is extremely harmful to the ecosystem. Biocatalysts are one such option that will help to bring a positive change in the state of the environment and must be introduced to and enforced in all industries.

Nowadays, normal catalysts are being replaced by biocatalysts in some industries like the food industry, the pharma industry, the chemical industry, etc. due to their environment-friendly nature and are less toxic as compared to catalysts.

An important application of biocatalysts is in the degradation of plastic. An enzyme, PETase, has been found which breaks down plastic over a span of a few days. PETase allows the bacteria Ideonella sakaiensis to break down the plastic, after which it releases MHETase, causing a further breakdown of the plastic. Scientists later combined both enzymes, causing an even faster degradation of plastic

Biocatalysis is the process of using biocatalysts. Biocatalysis starts with identifying the reaction that is supposed to take place, then discovering the biocatalyst, and finally characterization, engineering, and process modeling. It is going to have a huge impact on the future, especially in an environmental sense, and is a major step towards a healthier and safer planet.






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